Degrees Offered BIBLE COLLEGE OFFERS 69 COURSES & DEGREES Logos Bible College provides 69 diverse courses and degree programs for spiritual education and growth. Degree Type Degree Name Certificate Certificate in Theology (C.Th.) Diploma Diploma in Theology (Dip.Th.) 21 Bachelor Degrees Bachelor of Theology (B. Th.) Bachelor of Biblical Studies (B.B.S.) Bachelor of Ministry (B. Min.) Bachelor of Divinity (B. D.) Bachelor of Biblical Counseling (B.B.C) Bachelor of Christian Counseling (B.C.C.) Bachelor of Pastoral Counseling (B.P.C) Bachelor of Church Leadership (B.P.L) Bachelor of Christology (B.C.) Bachelor of Evangelism (B. Evan.) Bachelor of Youth Ministries (B.Y. Min) Bachelor of Messianic Prophecies (B.M.P.) Bachelor of Homiletics (B.H.) Bachelor of Church History (B.C.H.) Bachelor of Systematic Theology (B.S.T.) Bachelor of Christian Apologetics (B.C.A.) Bachelor of Church Administration (B.C. Admin.) Bachelor of Christian Education (B.C.E.) Bachelor of Biblical Hermeneutics (B.B.H.) Bachelor of Children Ministry (B.C.M) Bachelor of Religions (B.R.) 21 Master Degrees Master of Divinity (M. Div.) Master of Theology (M. Th.) Master of Ministries (M. Min.) Master of Church Leadership (M.C.L.) Master of Biblical Counseling (M.B.C) Master of Pastoral Counseling (M.P.C.) Master of Christian Apologetics (M.C.A) Master of Systematic Theology (M.S.T.) Master of Homiletics (M.H.) Master of Church Administration (M.C. Admin.) Master of Christian Education (M.C.E.) Master of Messianic Prophecies (M.M.P) Master of Youth Ministries (M.Y. Min.) Master of Evangelism (M. Evan) Master of Church History (M.C.H.) Master of Christology (M.C.) Master of Biblical Hermeneutics (M.B.H.) Master of Christian Counseling (M.C.C) Master of Biblical Studies (M.B.S.) Master of Children Ministry (M.C.M.) Master of Religions (M.R.) 22 Doctoral Programs Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.) PhD. in Church Leadership (PhD. in CL) PhD. in Biblical Counseling (PhD. in BS) PhD. in Pastoral Counseling (PhD. in PC) PhD. in Christian Apologetics (PhD. C.A.) PhD. in Systematic Theology (PhD. in ST) PhD. in Biblical Hermeneutics (PhD. in BH) PhD. in Religion (PhD. in Rel.) PhD. in Homiletics (PhD. in H.) PhD. in Church Administration (PhD. in C. Admin.) PhD. in Christian Education (PhD. in C.E.) PhD. in Messianic Prophecies (PhD. in M.P) PhD. in Youth Ministries (PhD. in Y. Min.) PhD. in Evangelism (PhD. in Evan) PhD. in Church History (PhD. in C.H.) PhD. in Christology (PhD. in C.) PhD. in Christian Counseling (PhD. in. C.C) PhD. in Biblical Studies (PhD. in B.S.) PhD. in Children Ministry (PhD. in C.M.) PhD. in Ketav Ivri (Hebrew language) Honorary Doctorates Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.) Doctor of Evangelism (D. Evan.)